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VELOSIT SC 243 -2200 lb Supersack

VELOSIT SC 243 -2200 lb Supersack

Regular price $3,781.28
Regular price Sale price $3,781.28
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VELOSIT SC 243 is a cemen44ous binder for flowable
screed mixes produced on-site or at a batch plant. It
is mixed with sand and aggregates crea4ng a rapid
hardening overlayment ready to receive flooring
systems within 24 hours. VELOSIT SC 243 may also
be used as a binder for special concrete mixes and
mortar formula4ons. Typical applica4on fields
besides others are as follows:
• Interior and exterior use
• Bonded screeds
• De-coupled screeds on insula4on or membranes
• On-site concrete mixes
VELOSIT SC 243 is a shrinkage compensated special
cement formula4on with very quick strength
development. VELOSIT SC 243 binds the mixing
water very fast allowing a very short wait 4me
before it can be covered.
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