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Velosit RM 224 -44 lb bag

Velosit RM 224 -44 lb bag

Regular price $60.75
Regular price Sale price $60.75
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Application fields

VELOSIT RM 224 is a cementitious finishing mortar for various types of construction substrates. It creates a very fine surface texture and is especially
suitable for fair-faced concrete. Typical application fields besides others are as follows:

  • Finishing of surface defects on concrete, masonry and overlays
  • Application on horizontal and vertical incl. overhead areas
  • Filling of blow holes, honeycombs and surface roughness, pitting from polishing
  • As a finish on concrete repair systems
  • Application thickness from feather-edge to 3/8” (10 mm)


VELOSIT RM 224 is a shrinkage compensated cementitious finish mortar with fast strength development. VELOSIT RM 224 binds the mixing water very quickly reducing or completely eliminating the need for water curing and protection.

VELOSIT RM 224 creates an extremely well bonded, rigid, abrasion resistant layer on the substrate.

VELOSIT RM 224 is applied by trowel or suitable spray equipment.

  • Minimal shrinkage/expansion in wet or dry curing conditions minimizing the risk of micro-cracking
  • Excellent workability
  • 30 min. working time and 2175 psi (15MPa) compressive strength after 4 hours
  • Final strength of more than 5075 psi (35 MPa) after 28 days
  • Open to foot traffic after 2 – 3 hours
  • Very good adhesion to properly prepared concrete and masonry
  • Water curing only under hot and dry conditions required for max. 4 hours
  • Good resistance against CO2 and Chloride penetration due to a very tight pore structure
  • Good weathering resistance
  • Good sulfate resistance
  • Medium gray color close to concrete color
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